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harga motor bekas, mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2011

harga motor bekas, mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2011, buat semua pengunjung blog ini saya ucapkan selamat tahun baru dan banyak terima kasih, semoga di tahun anyar 2011 ini kita bisa lebih sukses dan berhasil di dalam meraih cita-cita kita, namun jangan lupa di depan sana halangan dan tantangan akan lebih berat. mari kita instropeksi diri masing-masing, sejauh mana kita sudah melangkah.
salam sukses buat semua pengunjung setia maupun yang baru, salam juga buat para blogger, maju terus blogger indonesia. I LOVE  INDONESIA..

modifikasi yamaha bison

modifikasi yamaha bison, motor udah keren kok di modif..?..begitulah pertanyaan yang timbul saat saya melihat motor ini yamaha bison. namun lain halnya dengan Ardiansah pemilik motor ini, dia bilang tampang bison emang sudah garang, dia ingin tambah macho, modif ini termasuk simpel, hanya pada body plus pemasangan kondom arm.

bentuknya sedikit mengarah pada Ducati monster, sebab konsep yamaha bison memang mengarah pada streetfighter. lampu belakang memakai lamou pariasi yang sering di gunakan ninja 250.

Kawasaki EDGE jadi jawara

Kawasaki EDGE jadi jawara, kembali kawasaki menjadi championship 2010, juara asia. dengan klasemen akhir petronas Asia Road racing Championship 2010 di kelas UNDERBONE 115cc. berikut urutanya:

  • juara 1: Hadi wijaya , kawasaki NHK Rektor MTR Manual tech dengan poin 154
  • juara 2: Denny Tryugo , yamaha TOP1 FDR Racing dengan poin 144
  • juara 3: Rafid topan sucipto, CKJ Motorsport dengan poin 125
  • juara 4: Hokky krisdianto , yamaha TOP 1 FDR racing dengan poin 116
  • juara 5: M.Reza fahlevi, Kawasaki NHK rektor MTR Manual Tech dengan poin 102

tips merawat ban sepeda motor

tips merawat ban sepeda motor, mungkin sebagian dari kita tidak begitu memperhatikan kondisi ban motor, namun si bundar ini peranannya sangat penting, dan beberapa kecelakaan berawal dari kondisi ban itu sendiri, entah itu kurang angin, atau sudah gundul dan lain-lain. beruntung jika kita punya asuransi jiwa, kalau tidak hmmm kita sendiri yang akan rugi.
sebenarnya merawat ban motor tidak begitu sulit, kita hanya butuh beberapa menit saja, yang pertama kita harus rutin memeriksa tekanan angin padda ban, dan juga jarak tempuh sangat memepengaruhi ke awetan ban, apalagi dimusim kemarau ban akan cepat aus dibandingkan dengan musim hujan, gaya dan cara mengendarai motor pun jadi sebabnya ban cepat rusak, misalnya mengerem dengan sekaligus atau mendadak akan mempercepat ke ausan ban.
oleh karena itu jika kita tidak terburu-buru, lebih baik menjalankan kendaraan tidak terlalu kenceng, agar saat berhenti gesekan ban dengan aspal tidak terlalu kuat, selalu bersihkan ban, jikabanyak kerikil yang menempel pada ban. periksa selalu tekanan angin ,karena sangat berpengaruh pada perjalanan anda.

Yamaha tampil polos di laga motoGP 2011

Yamaha tampil polos di laga motoGP 2011, yamaha akan menggunakan motor warna polos biru, di ajang moto GP 2011, alasanya adalah, kontrak dengan FIAT sudah usai, walaupun negosiasi terus dilakukan, namun sampai sekarang belum ada kata sepakat. Kemungkinan besar yamaha dalam kompetisi 2011, akan tampil tanpa sponsor, Qatar yang akan jadi tempat seri pertama laga motoGP 2011, dan yamaha kemunglinan besar tetap memakai warna ciri khas yaitu biru.

tahun 2007 lalu yamahapun tampil tanpa sponsor, dan ini bukan masalah besar bagi yamaha, yamaha akan tetap tampil sebagai tiem yang
sukses seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

galeri yamaha bison 2010

galeri yamaha bison 2010
galeri yamaha bison 2010

warna hitam kelihatan lebih garang dan tangguh.

yang ini putih biru, lebih anggun kayaknya...

merah hitam

Ducati streetfighter

Ducati streetfighter, dengan dilengkapi ABS, motor ini bisa di bilang motor naked paling extreem atau hi-tech. tenaga motor ini hanya 155 hp, tapi ini di rasa kurang, maka di tambahkanlah knalpot Termignoni Full System lengkap beserta ECU dan air filter yang membuat tenaga motor ducati streetfighter ini naik menjadi 165 hp.

gambar: ducatimonster.wordpres.com

kopling standar Diganti slipper clutch, akselerasi motor ini 0-100 adalah 2.4 detik,
perangkat kopling yang kasat mata di ganti dengan merk Rizoma. top speednya adalah 245 km/jam. buat biker sejati mungkin biaya yang dikelurkan bukan ukuran, yang penting bisa wus-wus...ha ha ha. modiv ringan ini membuat top speednya maknyus.

yamaha fz1 abs series

yamaha fz1 abs series, diciptakan untuk para pembalap, kinerja mesin yang menakjubkan, hanya ada di yamaha supersport.
kami menciftakan seni yang indah, yang mampu menjadikan sepedamotor FZ1 series, pantas untuk anda miliki, kenyamanan dalam perjalanan anda itu yang kami harapkan, mesin halus akan anda rasakan, setiap anda melaju dengan kecepatan maksimal.

yamaha FZ1 meningkatkan kenyamanan, keamanan dan kualitas yang sangat tinggi hanya untuk anda.
yamaha selalu akan mengedepankan kemauan atau kepentingan para konsumennya, maka yamaha sangat mengedepankan kualitas untuk kepercayaan anda.


new CBR125R, ITALIA, andai saja motor ini di jual di tanah air,pasti laku keras, he he he. motor ini di klaim sangat ringan dan gesit, tampilan lampu depan menyerupai CBR1000RR Fireblade.
beberapa saya kutip dari kompas.com beserta gambarnya. Mesinnya, SOHC 4-Tak silinder tunggal injeksi dengan sistem pendingin, mempunyai tenaga maksumum 13 HP pada 10.000 rpm dan torsi 10.6 Nm di 8.250 rpm. Sayangnya, dengan gigi persneling 6 percepatan, kecepatan maksimumnya 120 km/jam.

Konsumsi bahan bakarnya 2,8L per 100 km. Dengan kapasitas tangki 10 liter bisa menempuh jarak 350 km.

Tongkrongannya sih, cukup gagah. Kedua roda memakai pelek aluminium palang 6 dengan ukuran 80/90-17M/c (depan) dan 100/80-17M/C (belakang). Trus, ukuran garpu depan 31 mm dengan ayunan 109 mm, dipadu suspensi belakang monoshock menjadikan pengendaliannya cukup responsif.

new CBR150 mantap di 7.000 rpm

new CBR150 mantap di 7.000 rpm, hanya butuh beberap detik untuk mencapai 150 km perjam bagi new CBR150 ini. sekilas tampilanya mirip dengan CBR1000, kelihatan sekali pada fairng dengan VFR1200F yang tampak di cover depan.

gambar: kompas.com

bentuknya hampir sama dengan CBR250R, yang beda dimensinyalebih kecil. Dudukan jok berbeda dengan CBR lama, sedikit bergeser kedepan serta spedometer lebih mudah di baca karena karena indikatornya perpaduan digital (penunjuk kecepatan) dan analog (takometer).
CBR150 sudah dibekali mesin injek, sistemnya pramable fuel injection atau di Honda beken disebut PGM-FI, piston 63,5 mm dan langkah 47,2 mm, kehebatan motor ini gigi 1, bisa mencapai 47km/jam saat jarum putaran mesin berada pada 11.500 rpm. Untuk gigi II berada di kecepatan 76 km per jam.
enak di bawa bermanuver karena ban lebar 100/80-17 (depan) dan 130/70-17 (belakang).
namun motor ini tidak di jual oleh pt. astra honda motor(ahm)

promo akhir tahun TVS ROCKZ

promo akhir tahun TVS ROCKZ, memberikan keleluasaan anda untuk ber eksperimen, motor yang di lengkapi dengan MP3 ini menambah kenyamanan anda dalam perjalanan, selain dilengkapi MP3, TVS ROCK sudah menggunakan canister gas absorter yang memberikan kemantafan berkendara serta I-ride atau kopling ganda, yang akan memberikan kelincahan berkendara dan TVS ROCKZ motor bebek 125 cc ini berdesain keren dan tidak jadul.

daftar harga motor bekas perbulan, desember 2010

daftar harga motor bekas perbulan, desember 2010, harga motor bekas honda, suzuki, yamaha, kawasaki, harga tergantung keadaan dan kondisi motor.

  • supra X 2002 rp: 5 juta
  • absolut revo 2010 rp: 7,7 juta
  • grand 1998 rp: 3,3 juta
  • kharizma x 2005 rp: 6 juta
  • supraX 125 2006 rp: 6,7 juta
  • tiger revo 2007 rp: 15,3 juta
  • megapro 2001 rp: 7,5 juta
  • prima 1990 rp: 2,9 juta
  • cbr 2008 rp: 22juta
  • legenda 2001 rp: 3,6 juta

  • soul 2010 rp: 9,2 juta
  • vega r 2006 rp: 6,2 juta
  • vega r 2003 rp: 5,5 juta
  • mio CW 2009 rp: 8,8 juta
  • jupiter MX 2007 rp: 8,5 juta
  • jupiter Z 2005 rp: 6,8 juta

  • thunder 2005 rp: 5,5 juta
  • smash 2007 rp: 5,9 juta
  • shogun 125 2004 rp: 4,4 juta
  • spin CW 2007 rp: 5,7 juta
  • smash revo 2007 rp: 5,2 juta
  • satria agresif 2004 rp: 6,8 juta
  • tornado 1997 rp: 1,7 juta

  • ninja 2008 rp: 17 juta

  • matick trend 2000 rp: 4,4 juta
  • jetmatick matika 2001 rp: 4,5jut
  • sanexmatick 2001 rp: 1,8 juta

tips membeli motor bekas, sebaiknya di dampingi bersama orang yang ahli dalam mekanik, teliti memeriksa stnk, bpkb dan selalu cek harga per satu bulan sekali.

program akhir tahun tvs NEO X3i 110cc

program akhir tahun tvs NEO X3i 110cc, dapat bonus, dapat potongan harga, dapat potongan angsuran dapat bergaya dengan tvsNEO X3i 110cc. tidak di ragukan lagi motor jebolan pt.Visi Top Sarana ini mampu mengundang perhatian para biker, dengan paduan sempurna dengan tarikan kuat dan bahan bakar irit tvs NEO, bisa di perhitungkan keunggulanya karena selain berdesain rapi dan sporty tvs NEO X3i 110cc cukup nyaman bagi pengendara sepedamotor.

Katanya tvs NEO X3i 110cc ini mampu mencapai torsi maksimum 8,5 nm/4500rpm dan keiritanya di dukung oleh teknologi i-Econo yang membantu pengendara dalam mengontrol penggunaan bahan bakar. satu lagi nih PT,Visi top Sarana memberikan garansi mesin 5 tahun, lumayan lama kan.

2011 HONDA CBR250R pictures, specifications, accident lawyers

HONDA CBR250R (2011)
Motorcycle wallpapers, insurance, accident lawyers information, review and specifications
- The new, fuel-injected CBR250R offers everything you want in a first-time bike: Light weight. A powerband that’s immensely user-friendly. Excellent fuel economy. Unmatched reliability. And a fun factor that’s off the chart. -

Motorcycles BRAND>
HONDA Motorcycle Models>

HONDA CBR250R (2011)
Klik gambar untuk download ukuran 1600 x 1200


Model: Honda CBR250R
Year: 2011
Category: Sport

Engine and transmission
Displacement: 249.40 ccm (15.22 cubic inches)
Engine type: Single cylinder, four-stroke
Compression: 10.7:1
Bore x stroke: 76.0 x 55.0 mm (3.0 x 2.2 inches)
Valves per cylinder: 4
Fuel system: Injection. PGM-Fi, 38mm throttle body
Fuel control: DOHC
Ignition: Computer-controlled digital transistorized with electronic advance
Cooling system: Liquid
Gearbox: 6-speed
Emission details: Meets current EPA standards. Models sold in California meet current CARB standards and may differ slightly due to emissions equipment.

Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Rake (fork angle): 25.0°
Trail: 95 mm (3.7 inches)
Front suspension: 37mm fork
Rear suspension: Pro-Link single shock with five positions of spring preload adjustability
Front tyre dimensions: 110/70-17
Rear tyre dimensions: 140/70-17
Front brakes: Single disc
Front brakes diameter: 296 mm (11.7 inches)
Rear brakes: Single disc
Rear brakes diameter: 220 mm (8.7 inches)

Physical measures and capacities
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc: 162.8 kg (359.0 pounds)
Seat height: 775 mm (30.5 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Wheelbase: 1,369 mm (53.9 inches)
Fuel capacity: 12.87 litres (3.40 gallons)

Other specifications
Color options: Metallic Black, Red/Silver
Comments: Model ID: CBR250R

Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Call or contact: 888 446 1999.

Need a Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer and looking for an ethical, experienced and aggressive lawyer to figure out if you may be entitled to money compensation for your serious injury?

In Florida, motorcycle accidents happen mostly because automobile drivers do not share the road. I frequently represent seriously injured motorcycle riders because a car fails to see the motorcycle and then the car pulls out into the intersection. Another common reason is that the car driver changes lanes without looking. The most frequent injuries are fractures of shoulder or wrists from going over the handlebars, or femur (long bone of the leg) fractures from laying the bike down or a side impact. Unfortunately, even at slower speeds and with a helmet, I have represented the family of fathers and sons who have died in motorcycle crashes.

As a Florida Motorcycle accident lawyer, I understand that you may want to express you individuality and freedom on the road by making the decision as an adult not to wear a helmet. The insurance company in a brain injury case will argue that you are the cause of your own injury being worse because if you were wearing a helmet the injury would not have been so bad.

I retain experts in biomechanics, who are engineers and if the evidence is available and in your favor, they can calculate the force of the impact and tell the insurance company that they are wrong. That wearing a helmet would not have made a difference. A helmet sometimes can actually make the injury worse. I am not advocating that you should not wear a helmet , it's just that wearing one does not always make a difference. It depends on the accident circumstances. Each Florida Motorcycle Accident claim will get my personal attention to detail and my 30 years of experience.

If you would like to consult for free with a Florida civil trial lawyer who is board certified as an expert in civil trial then please call 888-446-1999

There will be no charge for lawyer fees of representation or costs of representation if there is not money compensation recovery.

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New Jupiter MX memberikan Performa Terbaik

New Jupiter MX memberikan Performa Terbaik, semakin tajam, semakin tak tertandingi
Sirkuit Sentul menjadi tuan rumah test ride perdana Yamaha Jupiter MX 2010. Motor baru ini langsung dipacu melibas sirkuit sentul. Jupiter MX 2010 dipacu hingga kecepatan 110 Km/jam pada track lurus. Kemudian melibas tikungan dengan kecepatan rata-rata 70 Km/jam. Inilah moped idaman yang diperuntukan bagi bikers yang menginginkan performa moped yang sesungguhnya.

Sekarang motor cepat ini memiliki dua jenis. Ada yang kopling dan ada juga yang standar (Manual Clutch). Inilah generasi terbaru dari seri Yamaha Jupiter MX setelah keluaran pertama di tahun 2005. Motor inilah yang mampu memaksimalkan performa Yamaha di kelas Moped. Dengan kekuatan mesin 135cc ditambah teknologi Dyasil Cylinder menjadikan Jupiter MX 2010 sebagai motor dengan kekuatan handal dikelasnya.

Selain kekuatan mesin yang dimiliki, New Jupiter MX 2010 juga memiliki desain yang mutakhir. Motor ini memiliki desain futuristic yang tampak dari lampu kecil yang berada didepan memiliki lekuk yang lancip. Motor ini memiliki desain seperti mata burung elang. Sedangkan fairing masih mengukuti konsep Jupiter MX seri sebelumnya. Kemudian dari tampilan belakang juga menyatu dengan konsep futuristic dengan sudut dan kemiringan yang lebih tajam.

XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low 2011, pictures, accident lawyers

XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low (2011)
- The Sportster 1200 Low combines performance, agility and easy-to-handle ergonomics in a long, premium cruiser that is ready for all takers. Born on the gritty dirt tracks and drag strips of the 1950s, the Harley-Davidson Sportster represents the uninhibited essence of motorcycling. Today’s Sportster combines soulful styling with the flat torque delivery and distinctive sound of an American V-Twin engine. Among the more affordable Harley-Davidson models, Sportster motorcycles offer a low, comfortable seat and smooth clutch effort. -

XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low (2011)

Klik gambar untuk download ukuran 1600 x 1200

Features and pecifications >

Harley-Davidson XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low Model Highlights

NEW Paint color schemes
= Black powder-coated engine with chrome covers
= Chrome exhaust with dual staggered shorty mufflers
= Stretched 4.5-gallon Sportster® fuel tank
= Black, 13-spoke cast aluminum wheels
= Full-coverage rear fender with black supports
= One-piece, two-up Sportster® classic seat with narrow nose and low forward profile, and "Sportster" embroidery
= Black headlamp body with chrome visor and chrome trim ring
= Stainless steel, pull-back handlebar on chrome one-inch riser

Tampa Bay
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Hancock & Hancock, P.A.

Hancock & Hancock are personal injury attorneys that represent clients throughout Florida.

Types of personal injury cases:
= Automobile Accidents
= Motorcycle Accidents
= Slip and Fall Injuries
= Dog Bite Injuries
= Personal Injury
= Medical Malpractice
= Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect
= Defective Products
= Insurance Disputes
= Wrongful Death
= Sink Holes

Contact Us
Hancock & Hancock takes pride in meeting individually with every potential client and then handling each personal injury case attentively and professionally. To make it easier for you to contact us, we’ve created a Free Consultation form that will allow us to provide you with a detailed evaluation your case. If believe you have a personal injury case, don’t wait. We’re ready to help you today. Contact our personal injury attorneys for a free consultation at 1-888-975-1110, or simply complete the Free Consultation form below.


2011 XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low | specs | accident lawyers.

XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low (2011)

Features and Specifications
Pictures >

Key Harley-Davidson XL 1200L Sportster 1200 Low Key Features
The Sportster® 1200 Low combines performance, agility and easy-to-handle ergonomics in a long, premium cruiser that is ready for all takers.

Born on the gritty dirt tracks and drag strips of the 1950s, the Harley-Davidson® Sportster represents the uninhibited essence of motorcycling. Today's Sportster combines soulful styling with the flat torque delivery and distinctive sound of an American V-Twin engine. Among the most-affordable Harley-Davidson models, Sportster motorcycles offer a low, comfortable seat and smooth clutch effort.

o Evolution® V-Twin powertrain with Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
o Rubber-mounted powertrain to reduce vibration
o 5-speed transmission
o Dual staggered exhaust
o Disc brakes
o Mid-mounted foot controls and passenger footpegs
o Handlebar-mounted electronic speedometer
o Optional Harley-Davidson® Smart Security System with hands-free security fob
o Optional Chrome, Laced Steel wheels

U.S. MSRP - Vivid Black $9,899. Solids $10,189

Length 89.1 in. (2263 mm)
Overall Width 35.2 in. (894 mm)
Overall Height 46.8 in. (1189 mm)
Seat Height:
• Laden2 26.3 in. (668 mm)
• Unladen 28.0 in. (711 mm)

Ground Clearance 4.4 in. (112 mm)
Rake (steering head) 30.4°
Fork Angle 30.4°
Trail 4.6 in. (117 mm)
Wheelbase 60.1 in. (1527 mm)
Tires (Dunlop® Harley-Davidson Series, blackwall):
• Front – D401F 100/90-19 57H
• Rear – D401 150/80B16 71H

Fuel Capacity 4.5 gal. (17.0 L)
(warning light at approximately 1.0 gal.)
Oil Capacity (w/filter) 2.8 qts. (2.6 L)
Transmission Capacity 1.0 qts.
• As Shipped 557 lbs. (252.7 kg)
• In Running Order 581 lbs. (263.5 kg)
• Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg)
• Gross Axle Weight Rating
• Front 335 lbs. (152.0 kg)
• Rear 665 lbs. (301.6 kg)

Engine3 Air-cooled, Evolution®
valves Pushrod-operated, overhead valves with hydraulic, self-adjusting lifters; two valves per cylinder
Bore x Stroke 3.5 in. x 3.812 in. (88.9 mm x 96.8 mm)
Displacement 73.3 cu. in. (1200 cc)
Compression Ratio 9.7:1
Fuel System3 Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
Air Cleaner Paper cartridge type
Lubrication System Dry-sump

Primary Drive Chain, 57/38 ratio
Final Drive Belt, 68/29 ratio
Clutch Multi-plate, wet
Transmission 5-speed
U.S. Gear Ratios (overall):
• 1st 9.315 • 2nd 6.653 • 3rd 4.948 • 4th 4.102 • 5th 3.517

Frame Mild steel, tubular frame; circular sections; cast junctions Swingarm Mild steel, rectangular tube section, stamped junctions; MIG welded
Front Forks 39 mm
Rear Shocks Coil-over; preload dual-adjustable
Wheels4 (Chrome, Laced Steel option):
Black, 13-Spoke Cast Aluminum
• Front 19 in. x 2.15 in. (483 mm x 55 mm)
• Rear 16 in. x 3 in. (406 mm x 76 mm)

• Caliper Type Dual-piston front, single-piston rear
• Rotor Type (diameter x width): Patented, uniform expansion rotors
• Front 11.5 in. x .2 in. (292 mm x 5 mm)
• Rear 10.24 in. x .28 in. (260 mm x 7 mm)
Suspension Travel:
• Front Wheel 4.12 in. (105 mm)
• Rear Wheel 2.12 in. (54 mm)

Engine Torque5 (per SAE J1349):
• North America 79 ft. lbs. @ 4000 RPM (107 Nm @ 4000 RPM)
Lean Angle:
• Right 30°
• Left 31°
Fuel Economy6
(EPA urban/highway test) 42/57 mpg (5.60/4.13 L/100 km)

Battery (per Battery Council International Rating)
Sealed, maintenance-free, 12V, 12-amp/hour, 200 cca
Charging Single-phase, 30-amp system (357W @ 13.5V, 2000 RPM, 405W max power @ 13.5V)
Starting 1.2 kW electric with solenoid shift starter motor engagement
Lights (as per country regulation):
• Headlamp (quartz halogen) 55-watt low beam, 60-watt high beam
• Tail/Stop Lights 8W/28W (5W/21W)
• Turn Signal Lights 28W (21W) self-canceling
• Indicator Lamps - High beam, neutral, low oil pressure,
turn signals, engine diagnostics,
low fuel warning, low battery, security
system7 (optional)

• Vivid Black • Cool Blue Pearl • Merlot Sunglo

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Informations

Richard A. Fisher

A Law Corporation

Motorcycle Accidents
Southern California motorcycle accident attorney Richard A. Fisher has been helping victims of Southern California motorcycle accidents for over thirty-five years. Our experience in handling these cases is supported by the many clients we have helped to obtain proper medical treatment and compensation due to injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident.

Types of motorcycle accidents
Whatever your experience has been in driving a motorcycle, many types of accidents involving motorcycles are common in Southern California. At the Law Offices of Richard A. Fisher, our first priority is to assess your case in detail so we can determine the type of accident you have been involved in. Whether you were rear-ended, had a left-turn collision, were involved with a drunk driver, hit from the side, etc., we can effectively help you get back on your motorcycle and retain compensation for your injuries.

Issues relating to motorcycle accidents
A motorcycle accident is very different from an auto accident. There are several different types of injuries that you can sustain from a motorcycle accident. While the types of injuries vary greatly, serious injuries can include: a brain injury, bodily injuries, a ruptured disc or even wrongful death. Our practice specializes in helping victims of motorcycle accidents recover the maximum damages allowable under the law for your case, from sprain and strain to catastrophic injuries.

Successful cases
The Law Offices of Richard A. Fisher has successfully handled hundreds of auto accident cases throughout Southern California. Some recent cases include:

= Motorcycle Accident (Riverside, California): Intersection Accident involving motorcyclist and automobile.
Recovery: $320,000

= Motorcycle Accident: Woman passenger on motorcycle, when involved in a single vehicle accident. Sustained multiple fractures to leg requiring insertion of plate and fracture of scapula. Recovery: $250.000 policy limits

= Motorcycle Accident (Los Angeles, California): Intersection Accident involving motorcyclist and automobile. No witnesses - dispute as to who ran the red light.
Recovery: $500,000


harga kawasaki, promo akhir tahun

harga kawasaki, promo akhir tahun, memberikan bonus di setiap pembelian type apa saja, bahkan discount sampai 2juta mantab bukan......

seperti kawasaki Dtracker 150S harganya di pangkas 2juta per unit, atau pilihan kedua yaitu paket modif, lalu kawasaki ZX135 berhadiah helm ink, dan kawasaki edge, harga angsuranya di discount.
serta untuk setiap pembelian semua type di berikan polo shirt exlusif di bulan desember 2010.
nah untuk kalian pecinta motor kawasaki kenapa harus nunggu lama he he he......atau mau yang baru dari kawasaki di tahun anyar..2011 ? tunggu penampakannya....

2011 yamaha perbanyak motor injeksi

2011 yamaha perbanyak motor injeksi, niat yamaha untuk memperbanyak motor injeksi adalah dengan barengnya akan muncul dua motor baru injeksi dari yamaha, yang akan di keluarkan tahun 2011.
kabar ini berasal dari Paulus Sugih Firmanto, General Manager Promotion and Motorsport YMKI. "Satu bebek dan satu lagi skutik. Dua saja tahun depan," ujar Paulus Sugih Firmanto kepada KOMPAS.com. Sayang, Paulus tidak mau memberikan rincian tentang produk baru tersebut.

Dua produk ini berkaitan dengan semangat Yamaha mulai memproduksi sepeda motor dengan standar emisi Euro3, sesuai dengan target Asosiasi Industri Sepedamotor Indonesia (AISI). Nah, untuk melakukannya diperlukan teknologi FI. Bahkan, pada tahun 2011 Yamaha berkomitmen akan menargetkan 50 persen dari seluruh line-up produknya dibekali FI.

Sampai sekarang, baru V-ixion yang dibekali dengan sistem injeksi. Nah, meski sedikit spekulasi, ada hubungan kuat antara target Yamaha dan dua model baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun depan.

"Ya, arahnya memang ke sana. Tetapi, saya belum bisa cerita lebih banyak," ujar Muhammad Abidin, Manager Technical Departement-Service Division YMKI.

Bebek dan skutik
Sementara itu, terkait rencana Honda memasarkan CBR250R, Yamaha mengaku belum punya rencana menyentuh segmen itu. YMKI menilai, segmen tersebut belum banyak diminati karena mengarah pada segmen konsumen atas.

"Yamaha belum punya produk untuk bersaing di kelas 250 cc. Tahun depan, kami masih fokus pada bebek dan skutik. Mungkin 2012 akan memimkirkan sport 250 cc," beber Paulus.

Penulis: AGK
Editor: Zulkifli BJ
source: otomotifkompas.com

Rilis "Free Your Soul 3"Yamaha

Rilis "Free Your Soul 3"Yamaha, Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI), ditambah pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sangat mempromosikan musik dari kelompok independen, atau lebih dikenal sebagai "indie" yang dikenal.

Untuk melakukan ini, selain dari band konser dari kampanye untuk mengundang ke acara di wilayah tersebut, Yamaha juga membantu melepaskan dan mendistribusikan karya-karya band ini dalam bentuk kompilasi yang berjudul "Free Your Soul Online dengan nama skuter Yamaha untuk dijual di Indonesia, Soul juta.

"Mereka yang terlibat dalam dunia sepeda motor adalah favorit lain Salah satunya adalah musik.. 's mengapa kami mendukung kegiatan ini," kata Eko Prabowo, Manager Promosi YMKI pada peluncuran kompilasi bebas dari 3 di Ciwalk jiwa Anda, Bandung , Jumat.

Hadir dalam peluncuran album ini Ridha Hafiedz (Slank pribadi) dan Noey Java Jive dan dua kaset, J-Lita Caress Cirebon dan Bandung. Selain itu, album kompilasi jiwa Anda bebas untuk tiga Ipang Ridha Hafiedz dan biru.

Kegiatan Yamaha dalam judul sekarang tahun keempat. Oleh karena itu acara diselenggakaran disebut "bebas jiwanya Yamaha 4", menampilkan berbagai band indie di Union Square, Ciwalk, Bandung, pada tanggal 18-19 Desember kemarin.

"Komitmen bakat Band Yamaha Indonesia untuk memasuki industri musik country untuk memfasilitasi," kata Eko. Dalam album ketiga, 10 lagu dari 10 hasil seleksi indie dikemas dalam 5 wilayah Indonesia. Aliran musiknya berkisar dari pop, reggae, elektro, y indie

suzuki menderita di MOTOGP

suzuki menderita di MOTOGP, keputusan suzuki untuk menurunkan satu joki tunggal di motoGP 2011 mendaoat kecaman. seperti yang di bilang loris capirosi tahun depan suzuki akan lebih tertinggal dari honda, yamaha, ducati.

dengan menyisakan satu rider, sebenarnya suzuki sudah melanggar kontrak mereka dengan FIM dan Dorna. sebab, di haruskan tim pabrikan MotoGP menurunkan dua pembalap, toh.dona dan fim ,memberi kelonggaran karena alasan suzuki adalah dana. bahkan tahun lalu, suzuki sudah mendapat keringanan dengan boleh menambahkan tiga mesin, jadi 9 permusim
Suzuki sempat bersinar pada era 2-tak dengan sukses Kenny Roberts jr menjuarai musim 2000.

yamaha, bagi-bagi hadiah pada pelanggan setianya

yamaha, bagi-bagi hadiah pada pelangganya. pelanggan yamaha dapat kejutan dari perusahaan yamaha, kejutan ini di berikan pada pelanggan yang berulang tahun, namun bukan hanya para pelanggan yang dapat hadiah, tetapi dealernyapun mendapatkan bingkisan. sebagai ucapan terima kasih dari pt,yamaha indonesia untuk kesetiaanya memakai produk yang berlambang garputala ini. selain unggul dalam desain, yamahapun unggul dalam balapan, beberapa hari yang lalu yamaha mampu menjuarai INDOPRIX tiga tahun berturut-turut ini membuktikan yamaha unggul dalam tekhnologi yang berkualitas.
buat yang belum kebagian tunggu aja ntar di anterin ko ke rumah he he he, saya juga belum dapat giliran......:-))

RC212V motoGP

RC212V motoGP, Malaysia - Jonathan Rea akhirnya mengakhiri kebersamaannya dengan tim HRC MotoGP dalam melakukan tes beberapa part dan komponen untuk musim MotoGP 2011. Kendati berlangsung selama empat hari lamanya, namun Rea cukup puas. Ia bisa merasakan buasnya tenaga RC212V selama 4 hari di sirkuit Sepang Malaysia sepanjang pekan ini. Sayangnya pergelangan tangan Rea belum cukup sempurna usai cedera.

Memang tidak ada catatan waktu tercepat yang dirilis oleh tim HRC, namun sepertinya pengembangan motor masih terus dilakukan oleh tim Honda. Dan ini menjadi bukti keseriusan mereka untuk meraih gelar juara dunia tim, konstruktor dan pembalap untuk musim 2011 mendatang.

Mengendarai RC212V adalah pengalaman yang tidak tergantikan. Ini adalah mimpi yang terwujud menjadi kenyataan. Saya senang karena HRC telah mengundang saya untuk mengikuti tes ini. Dan saya pun menjalani dan menganggap bahwa ini adalah motor saya,” girang Rea usai gelaran 4 hari sesi latihan yang digelar.

Rea juga menjelaskan bahwa ia sudah memberikan masukan untuk pengembangan motor berdasarkan apa yang mereka rasakan. Yang pasti, Rea harus segera berkonsentrasi agar cedera di pergelangan tangannya cepat sembuh dan bisa mempersiapkan musim WSBK 2011 dengan sempurna. (otosport.otomotifnet.com)

Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black

Youngho Jong is a Korean design student, he taken Saab to looking towards future as sport sedan for 2025 Advanced Warning System Vehicle concept: a rakish, four-door saloon with coupe-like styling. And no headroom, by the looks of it, but that’s a forgivable oversight. More interesting to us, however, is how he used his knowledge of nature and human psychology to come up with a vehicle that isn’t just smart, it’s downright sinister.

With his research showing that 50% of vehicles accidents are caused by carelessness, excessive speed and tailgating, Jong wanted to create a car that would warn other drivers to back off and drive with care.

Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black
Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black

There are following the 2025 concept, slits open up in its rear panels revealing amber hazard lights, patches of the car’s skin also darken. The same amber slips are found on the front and sides of the vehicle. Jong took his inspiration from nature’s Fire Salamander, which uses its bright, menacing colours to ward off potential predators.

Jong also mentions that the Saab Sport Sedan Concept Study’s skin is constructed of a soft, impact absorbing material that reduces pedestrian injuries and vehicle damage in collisions. He incorporate sharp edges and the colours red and yellow to further emphasises the possible danger.

2011 KAWASAKI VN1700 Voyager Custom ABS pictures and specs.

Gambar Motor
KAWASAKI VN1700 Voyager Custom ABS (2011)

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KAWASAKI VN1700 Voyager Custom ABS (2011)

Click Thumbnail to download (size 1600 x 1200 pixels)


Engine and transmission

Engine type: 2 cylinders, 4-stroke, V-twin
Displacement: 1700 cc (103.87 cubic inches)
Power: 73.42 HP (54 kW) @ 5000 rpm
Torque: 136 Nm (13.87 kg-m) @ 2750 rpm
Throttle: Cable operated
= Valve train: SOHC, variable
= Valves per cylinder: 4
Fuel and ignition
= Sparks per cylinder: 1
= Fuel supply system: Fuel injection
= Ignition type: Digital CDI
= Funnel diameter: 42 mm
Compression: 9.5:1
Engine mounting: Transverse
Lubrication system: Wet sump
Gear box: Manual 6-speed
Clutch: Wet, multiple discs, cable operated
Final drive: Belt

Physical measures
= Length: 2510 mm
= Width: 970 mm
= Height: 1290 mm
Wheel base: 1665 mm
Trail: 177 mm
Ground clearance: 145 mm
Seat height: 730 mm
= Curb weight: 382 kg

Chassis and suspension
Frame type: steel, Double cradle frame
= Suspension: Cartridge
= Suspension travel: 140 mm
= Fork angle: 30°
= Brake: Twin Disk, Ø300 mm
= Tire: 130 / 90 R16
= Suspension: mono shock, Swingarm
= Suspension travel: 80 mm
= Brake: Disk, Ø300 mm
= Tire: 170 / 70 R16

ABS available: Yes
Power-to-weight ratio: 0.14 HP/kg (7.07 kg/HP)
Fuel capacity: 20 l
Number of riders: 2 persons

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baru dari TVS Apache RTR 180

baru dari TVS Apache RTR 180 JAKARTA.- Seperti yang pernah dikatakan pihak PT. TVS Motor Company Indonesia aka segera menghadirkan motor sport terbarunya, TVS Apache RTR 180, nampaknya akan segera terealisir. Pasalnya proses pengajuan Tanda Pendaftaran Tipe Kendaraan Bermotor-TPT di kementerian perindustrian sudah selesai proses.

Dalam daftar status permohonan TPT menyebutkan bahwa PT. TVS Motor Company Indonesia yang mengajukan TPT untuk produk TVS Apache RTR 180 sudah selesai proses dengan tanggal terbit TPT 20 April 2010.
Sementara untuk jumlah produksi awal yang diajukan sebanyak 5.000 unit.
Sayangnya saat dikonfirmasi kapan TVS Apache RTR 180 resmi meluncur ke pasar, pihak TVS masih belum mau memberikan keterangan banyak. Namun yang pasti produk ini dijadwalkan akan hadir pada triwulan II 2010.
Seperti diungkapkan Corporate Communications PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia (TMCI) Nurlida Fatmikasari, “Kita belum bisa pastikan kapan waktunya, karena ,masih banyak hal yang harus diselesaikan sebelum meluncurkan Apache RTR 180. Setelah itu beres baru kita bisa nentukan kapan bulan dan tanggalnya. Yang pasti gak lama lagi,” jelasnya.

Foto: motobr.wordpress.com
sumber: gilamotor.com

2011 YAMAHA VMAX (VMX17) pictures, specs, accident lawyers.

Gambar Motor YAMAHA VMAX (VMX17) (2011)

YAMAHA VMAX (VMX17) (2011)
Klik gambar untuk download ukuran 1600 x 1200

Features >

Unlike any other motorcycle available today, the 2011 Yamaha VMAX is truly in a class of its own. The awesome acceleration and muscular beauty combines with sporty handling and Yamaha's latest electronic engine management technologies to offer an incredibly exhilarating riding experience.

Brawn and brains.
The 2011 VMAX is the ultimate muscle bike and is the awesome result of its evolutionary journey. The unique features of this iconic beast are richly blended with advanced sportbike tehcnology and forward-thinking style. It all adds up to a machine with immense performance and visual power. There's only one V-Max.

The legend continues.
In '85 the original V-Max turned the motorcycle world on its ear. Our engineers took a big dose of the original "Mad Max" DNA then added a bunch of Yamaha's latest sport bike technologies like our chip controlled variable intake stacks, a high tech fuel injection system and our famous fly by wire throttle. The result is the next generation VMAX. The legendary sound, engine character and amazing acceleration are all part of the design but there is a twist. The VMAX offers truly sporty handling, thanks to its lightweight aluminium chassis and fully adjustable suspension. Scorched any pavement lately?.......Read more >


= Type 102-cubic-inch (1679cc) liquid-cooled 65° V-4, DOHC, 4 valves/cylinder
= Bore x Stroke 90.0mm x 66.0mm
= Compression Ratio 11.3:1
= Fuel Delivery Fuel Injection with YCC-T and YCC-I
= Ignition TCI: Transistor Controlled Ignition
= Transmission 5-speed, multiplate slipper clutch
= Final Drive Shaft

= Suspension / Front 52mm telescopic cartridge fork w/oxidized titanium coating. Fully adjustable preload, compression and rebound; 4.7 in travel
= Suspension / Rear Single shock w/remote reservoir and remote adjustable for preload, compression and rebound
= Brakes / Front Dual 320mm wave-type discs; radial mount 6-piston calipers, Brembo® radial pump master cylinder
= Brakes / Rear 298mm wave-type disc, single-piston caliper and Brembo® master cylinder
= Tires / Front Bridgestone® Radial 120/70-R18 59V
= Tires / Rear Bridgestone® Radial 200/50-R18 76V

= Length 94.3 in
= Width 32.3 in
= Height 46.8 in
= Seat Height 30.5 in
= Wheelbase 66.9 in
= Rake (Caster Angle) 31.0 in
= Trail 5.8 in
= Fuel Capacity 4.0 gal
= Fuel Economy** 27 mpg
= Wet Weight*** 683 lb / 685 lb (CA model)

Warranty 2 Year (Limited Factory Warranty) with Priority Delivery Program

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2011 YAMAHA VMAX (VMX17) model features | Accident lawyers |

2011 Yamaha VMAX (VMX17) model Features

YAMAHA Motorcycle >

YAMAHA VMAX (VMX17) (2011)

2011 Yamaha VMAX (VMX17) model Features

= Fuel Consumption * 11.4kpl 32mpg(Imp)
= 1679cc, V-4 powerplant with YCC-I & YCC-T
= Aluminium chassis with fully adjustable suspension

Liquid-cooled, 1,679cc, DOHC, 16-valve, 65°, V-4 engine has no equal in its class. The compact engine design has allowed the engineers to place the engine in the "sweet spot" of the frame to optimize handling.

DOHC 4-valve "pent roof" cylinder head design provides optimum breathing efficiency for incredible engine performance. Valve actuation is via under bucket shims. Compression ratio is 11.3:1.

Steel valves are used for excellent durability. Intake valves are 34mm in diameter with a 14-degree valve angle while exhaust valves are 30mm with a 15 degree valve angle.

"Combination" chain and gear camshaft drive system is utilized. With this system, only the intake cams are driven by a chain (attached to the crank), the exhaust cams are driven by a gear drive off the intake cams. This design allows for more compact cylinder heads since the distance or "pitch" between the camshafts is reduced.

High-performance camshafts provide incredible engine performance. Centrifugal decompression device on the exhaust cam means fast, easy starting.

Automatic hydraulic cam chain tensioners reduce engine mechanical noise.

Lightweight, forged, aluminium short skirt pistons help provide fast throttle response, reduced vibration and provide excellent durability.

Connecting rods are carburized and use a nut less design. The lower end "cap" of the rod is made from the same piece of material as the upper portion; this design is known as "fracture splitting". This design aids in establishing true big end roundness, greater precision in con rod dimensions and are extremely durable.

180-degree crankshaft design is utilized.

Gear-driven engine counter balancer shaft is used to reduce vibration and maximize rider comfort. The balance ratio is 50% to allow some pulse feel. Since the crank design is 180 degrees, there is also some inherent natural balancing effect as well.

Twin radiator design features a curved upper rad and lower flat rad for maximum cooling efficiency. Each rad has its own cooling fan.

An oil-to-coolant heat exchanger type oil cooler maintains stable lubricant temperatures for increased performance and extended engine life.

Wet sump oil lubrication system is used and features a spin-on cartridge-type oil filter.

Mikuni fuel injection system uses four 48mm throttle bodies fitted with T.P.S. (Throttle Position Sensor) and numerous other sensors. An oxygen sensor has been fitted into the exhaust making this a "closed loop" type FI system. The benefits include excellent throttle response, great fuel economy, reduced emissions, stable idling and no choke to fuss with during start up. The closed loop design means the system is constantly monitoring the fuel / air mixture and adjusting it as required for maximum performance plus reduced emissions.

Denso 12-hole injectors are used for excellent fuel atomization for maximum power and response across the entire rev range.

The VMAX utilizes a lightweight main Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that in fact consists of 3 - ECUs in total. The main 32-bit ECU controls the ignition and fuel injection process, while a 2nd and 3rd integral ECU controls the YCC-T & YCC-I. This "combined" ECU design reduces weight.

YCC-I or Yamaha's Chip Controlled Intake means the intake funnels / stacks vary in length (between 2 positions) depending on engine rpm. An electronic servo motor varies the funnel length from 150mm (for low to mid rpms) to the short setting of 54mm for high rpm. The transition or switching rpm between the 2 lengths is 6,650 rpms. The revolutionary YCC-I provides the best of both worlds, solid low rpm torque and power combined with an amazing high rpm rush. It takes only 0.3 of a second for the funnels to move from the tall to the short position.

Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle (YCC-T) electronically controls the throttle valves for outstanding response and improved controllability at all rpms. This system features twin Throttle Position Sensors (TPS) and a D.C. motor driving the throttle valves. The YCC-T is used to provide even more control of the intake air volume for smoother torque character. The rider can "mechanically close" the throttles by simply closing the throttle twist grip.

Large capacity air box uses a viscous-type paper air filter.

Air Induction System (AIS) injects fresh air into the exhaust port area to fully combust any un-burnt fuel, reducing harmful HC and CO emissions for a cleaner environment.

4-into-1-into-2 into-4 exhaust system is used. Not only does it make a serious styling statement but also provides excellent performance and reduced emissions thanks to a 3-way honeycomb catalytic converter in the under engine "muffler box". It also features Yamaha's patented Exhaust Ultimate Power Valve (EXUP). This system monitors engine rpm and adjusts exhaust flow (via the EXUP valve) for maximum performance at all rpms with no "flat spots". This system helps to improve torque, optimize fuel economy and reduce emissions too.

Crankcase design incorporates the cylinders into the upper half of the cases for reduced weight. Ceramic composite cylinder "bores" are a "liner-less" design with the ceramic coating sprayed directly on the aluminium block to ensure great heat dissipation for consistent power delivery, reduced friction and reduced weight.

Open deck type cylinder sleeves are used for maximum cooling efficiency.

Lightweight magnesium alloy crankcase covers are used.

Hydraulically activated, ramp-type slipper clutch featuring 10 friction plates is used to deliver consistent clutch performance with a light lever pull and minimal maintenance. A slipper or back limiter clutch assembly reduces rear wheel hop when making hard downshifts or under hard braking. The clutch master cylinder is a Nissin design using a 14mm piston. The clutch lever offers 4 positions of adjustability.

5-speed transmission features optimized gear ratios for maximum acceleration and performance. 5th gear is an overdrive gear to reduce engine rpm at highway speeds for a comfortable ride.

Clean, quiet, smooth low-maintenance shaft drive is used. This system features dual "U" joints to accommodate the extra wide rear tire.

Compact rear shaft drive gear case assembly reduces weight and improves styling.

Functional hand finished aluminium intake covers highlight Yamaha's quality and attention to detail.

ACM magneto produces 420 watts of power at 5,000 rpms.

High-performance direct ignition coils (ignition coil is built into the spark plug cap) reduce weight while iridium spark plugs and high-output magneto deliver increased spark energy.

Lightweight cast aluminium frame has been designed to offer an optimized rigidity balance to maximize handling performance. This frame is very rigid or stiff at the head pipe, engine mounts and swingarm pivot point. In other areas, material is less rigid in order to allow for "tuned flex".

Extra-long, lightweight cast aluminium swingarm provides great torsional rigidity for excellent handling and manoeuvrability. The distance between the swingarm pivot and the rear axle has been optimized (662.5mm) for great rear wheel traction. Threaded holes for racing type rear stand are provided.

Detachable C.F. die cast aluminium and extruded aluminium rear sub frame means easier maintenance access (and a less costly repair if the unit is "looped out").

Huge fully adjustable, conventional cartridge-type 52mm front fork features 120mm (4.7") of road-smoothing wheel travel. The inner tubes feature a oxide titanium coating to reduce friction and wear. The adjustable design allows the rider to tailor suspension settings to match rider's weight and road conditions to maximize handling and suspension performance. There is 5-way spring preload adjustability plus 20-way compression damping and 17-way rebound damping adjustability.

Lightweight triple clamps. The upper is made of cast aluminium while the lower clamp is forged aluminium. Fork pitch is 225mm while offset is 30mm.

Link Monocross rear suspension utilizes a fully adjustable remote reservoir rear shock. Rear wheel travel is 110mm (4.3"). Adjustments include 11 way spring preload adjustability (via easy-access remote adjuster), 12-way compression damping and 18-way rebound damping adjustability.

15-litre fluorinated polyethylene fuel tank is mounted below the rider's seat and therefore helps maintain a low centre of gravity plus mass centralization. It also provides space for the large capacity air box. The fluorination treatment reduces the "permeation" of fuel vapours (hydrocarbons) into the atmosphere. The electric fuel pump is housed inside the tank. The low fuel warning light will illuminate with approx. 4.2 litres of fuel remaining.

Dual floating 320mm wave-style front rotors are squeezed by radial mount, monoblock 6-piston calipers. The result is incredible braking performance with excellent control and lever feedback. The master cylinder is a Brembo radial pump master cylinder with a 16mm piston, a direct GP race innovation. The lever is adjustable for various hand sizes.

298mm wave-style rear disc is squeezed by a single-piston slide-type caliper utilizing sintered metal pads and a 14mm Brembo master. The caliper is mounted below the swingram to maintain a handling enhancing low centre of gravity.

Anti-lock braking system features Yamaha's latest ABS system, very similar to that found on the FJR1300. The linear controlled 3-position ABS system features an ECU with an integrated compact hydraulic unit built into the ECU plus active type wheel sensors with magnetic rotors. The benefit is reduced weight, excellent mass centralization and better lever feedback feeling when the system is operating. The main benefit of ABS is excellent control under hard braking or braking on wet or slippery surfaces since the ABS system helps to prevents wheel lock-up.

Rugged yet lightweight cast aluminium 5-spoke mag wheels front and rear. The wheels utilize hollow "spokes" to reduce unsprung weight for superior handling. Front rim size is a 3.50 x 18 fitted with a tubeless 120/70R18 radial tire, while the rear is 6.00 x 18 fitted with a wide tubeless 200/50R18 radial tire.

Conventional tapered 1?" diameter low rise handlebar.

Cool multi-function handlebar mounted meter includes analog tachometer and digital speedo plus an adjustable shift light and a variety of warning lights. A second multi-function display panel is located on top of the "fuel tank" (actually it is the air box cover). Readouts on this panel include fuel gauge, fuel consumption display, odometer, dual tripmeters, clock, coolant temp, gear indicator, throttle valve opening, intake air temp, stop watch and fuel reserve tripmeter. This panel uses a highly visible 256 x 64 dot matrix "Organic Electro Luminescence display". Brightness is adjustable.

Bright, H4 60/55-watt, halogen headlight

Eye-catching LED tail light means it uses less electrical power.

Immobilizer ignition system is designed to reduce the possibility of "ride-away" theft. This system must recognize the "coded ignition key" in order for the unit to start. If the immobilizer ignition does not recognize the key (or a screwdriver or other type of "jimmy tool") the bike will not start even if the ignition is turned or forced into the on position. If the system does not recognize the coded chip in the ignition key, it will not allow the ignition system, fuel pump or starter motor to function.

= High-performance, long-life Iridium spark plugs
= Lightweight forged aluminium shift lever and rear brake pedal
= Low-fuel warning light
= Low maintenance, lightweight, sealed battery
= Stylish key with special key case holder

Lean angle engine kill switch prevents unit from running if it is on its side to avoid engine damage.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The VMAX offers a significant level of power and performance. It is not intended for novice or inexperienced riders.

Motorcycle Insurance Informations
Richard A. Fisher
A Law Corporation

Motorcycle Accidents
Southern California motorcycle accident attorney Richard A. Fisher has been helping victims of Southern California motorcycle accidents for over thirty-five years. Our experience in handling these cases is supported by the many clients we have helped to obtain proper medical treatment and compensation due to injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident.

Types of motorcycle accidents
Whatever your experience has been in driving a motorcycle, many types of accidents involving motorcycles are common in Southern California. At the Law Offices of Richard A. Fisher, our first priority is to assess your case in detail so we can determine the type of accident you have been involved in. Whether you were rear-ended, had a left-turn collision, were involved with a drunk driver, hit from the side, etc., we can effectively help you get back on your motorcycle and retain compensation for your injuries.

Issues relating to motorcycle accidents
A motorcycle accident is very different from an auto accident. There are several different types of injuries that you can sustain from a motorcycle accident. While the types of injuries vary greatly, serious injuries can include: a brain injury, bodily injuries, a ruptured disc or even wrongful death. Our practice specializes in helping victims of motorcycle accidents recover the maximum damages allowable under the law for your case, from sprain and strain to catastrophic injuries.

Successful cases
The Law Offices of Richard A. Fisher has successfully handled hundreds of auto accident cases throughout Southern California. Some recent cases include:

= Motorcycle Accident (Riverside, California): Intersection Accident involving motorcyclist and automobile.
Recovery: $320,000
= Motorcycle Accident: Woman passenger on motorcycle, when involved in a single vehicle accident. Sustained multiple fractures to leg requiring insertion of plate and fracture of scapula. Recovery: $250.000 policy limits
= Motorcycle Accident (Los Angeles, California): Intersection Accident involving motorcyclist and automobile. No witnesses - dispute as to who ran the red light.
Recovery: $500,000

YAMAHA Motorcycle >