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tvs apache 180 abs

tvs apache 180 abs, Ini akan menjadi yang pertama kali ‘yang dibuat di India’ motor dengan fitur ABS”. Sistem pengereman ABS meningkatkan fungsi rem dalam kondisi basah, mencegah roda meluncur dan roda belakang mengangkat.

Bagi penggemar motor sport ada kabar yang menggembirakan, karena produsen sepeda sport asal India TVS dalam waktu yang tidak lama lagi bakal menghadirkan TVS Apache RTR 180 Antilock Braking System (ABS).
sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang chassis control system untuk kendaraan penumpang, “Di India harga Apache 180 RTR + ABS menjadi 80.000 rupee (sekitar Rp 15 jutaan) atau naik 8.000 rupee (sekitar Rp 1,5 juta).

suzuki hayate yang menjadi pengganti skywafe

suzuki hayate yang menjadi pengganti skywafe, PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) menargetkan penjualan di 2011 715.000 unit, naik 35,9 persen dari tahun lalu 526.003 unit. Morio Omanyuda, Direktur Pemasaran Roda Dua SIS mengatakan di Jakarta jelang ahad lalu, untuk mendongkrak penjualan dengan memperkenalkan beberapa model baru Sampai kini, Suzuki sudah punya 930 outlet di seluruh Indonesia.

Ratusan Harley-Davidson Padati Jalan

Ratusan Harley-Davidson Padati Jalan, Sedikitnya 700 pengendara sepeda motor Harley-Davidson, hari ini, Minggu (30/1/2011), memadati jalanan Ibu Kota untuk konvoi mempertajam rekor yang pernah dicatat Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia (Muri) pada 2007 yang diikuti 429 moge Amerika.Beberapa pejabat publik turut serta, yaitu Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Wibowo serta mantan Menteri Perindustrian Fahmi Idris.

Rombongan tak hanya dari Jakarta, tetapi juga datang dari Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Bali, Medan, dan Makassar. Mereka sudah berkumpul di dealer pusat PT Mabua Harley-Davidson di TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, sejak pukul 7.00. Peserta konvoi mulai meninggalkan lokasi pukul 09.00 dengan tujuan ke Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta Utara.
Di sana (Pantai Mutiara) juga dilakukan berbagai kegiatan sekaligus memperingati ulang tahun pertama komunitas Harley Pantai Mutiara."Di antara 15 polwan yang bertugas, ada 14 polwan pengendara Harley-Davidson.
sumber:otomotif kompas.com

honda CB 750

honda CB 750, Ingat Honda CB 100 dan 125 cc yang pernah meramaikan pasar Indonesia pada era 1970-an dan sampai kini tak ada lagi generasi penerusnya? Dialah Igor Chak yang mencoba membuat motor di luar imajinasi kita sebelumnya, Seperti dilansir autoevolution, Jumat (28/1/2011) bentuk motor Honda CB 750 itu sangat futuristik. Rencananya Honda CB 750 akan menggunakan bahan ringan titanium dan campuran lainnya seperti serta fiber dan almunim pada konstruksi motor tersebut.
Di depannya terdapat indikator penunjuk kecepatan digital dan putaran mesin analog. Untuk persediaan bahan bakar dan saat berkendara disediakan pilihan tiga mode, yakni standar, ekonomi, dan sport.Kerangka dan bodi terdiri dari bahan serat karbon, aluminium, dan beberapa komponen titanium.

honda terjual 49 ribu unit perhari

honda terjual 49 ribu unit perhari, Sepanjang 2010, penjualan sepeda motor Honda di seluruh dunia mencapai 17,9 juta unit, Amerika Selatan menjadi runner up dengan 1,64 juta unit (naik 18 persen), China 1,28 juta unit (turun 1 persen), Jepang 196.000 unit (naik 8 persen), Amerika Utara 192.000 (turun 8 persen), Eropa, Timur Tengah dan Afrika 258.000 unit (turun 1 persen).

Honda BeAT- dengan warna dan tampilan striping baru

Honda BeAT dengan warna dan tampilan striping baru, Pasar skutik saat ini makin berkembang, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) yang menjadi pemegang merek motor Honda di Indonesia membekali Honda BeAT dengan warna dan tampilan striping baru yang mereka pasarkan mulai Januari ini. yang akan bersaing dengan Suzuki Spin

Dan dengan baju barunya ini, AHM pun yakin penjualan Honda BeAT di tahun kelinci ini dapat mencapai 1 juta unit. Dan Honda BeAT menyumbangkan sekitar 20,8 persen terhadap total penjualan sepanjang tahun lalu.

Pertumbuhan penjualan motor yang tinggi ini juga diikuti oleh melonjaknya permintaan jenis motor skutik. Pada awal kehadirannya di tahun 2006, pangsa pasar Honda di segmen skutik hanya 19,9 persen atau 74.183 unit.). Sekitar 45,8 persen dari total penjualan skutik Honda tahun lalu merupakan kontribusi Honda BeAT.
sumber: kompas.com

harga suzuki shogun axelo, 13 jutaan

harga suzuki shogun axelo, 13 jutaan, Suzuki bersiap menggempur pasar motor roda dua Indonesia dengan 3 tipe Suzuki Axelo. Setiawan Surya, General Manager Pemasaran SIS, mengatakan, tiga pekan sejak diperkenalkan, 8.000 unit Axelo sudah terjual (wholesales). Axelo ditawarkan dengan tiga varian, yaitu standar dengan rem tromol (belakang), S dengam rem cakram depan dan belakang, R dengan rem cakram depan dan belakang plus kopling manual. Ketiganya dibanderol masing-masing dengan rentang harga Rp 13,8 juta hingga Rp 15 juta.

Untuk tipe ini kami jual Rp 13,8 juta," imbuhnya. Dengan harga segitu, Suzuki pun yakin mampu menjual 130 ribu motor Suzuki Shogun Axelo di tahun 2011.

harga dan spesifikasi Ducati Diavel 2011

harga dan spesifikasi Ducati Diavel 2011, Ducati mengaku motor Ducati Diavel 2011 berbobot 207 kilogram itu telah dilengkapi peranti pengereman Antilock Brake System (ABS), Ducati Traction Control, serta teknologi pilihan gaya berkendara Ducati Riding Modes. Ihwal nama Ducati Diavel, sumber di Ducati punya cerita menarik, Maka jadilah nama itu,” sebut dia.
Forum pun sepakat menggunakan ucapan spontan itu untuk nama motor produk mereka.Begitu dengan wilayah yang akan disasar Ducati untuk menjajakan motor ‘Setan’ Diavel atau Ducati Diavel 2011 itu.
Pada JMCS 2010 Supermoto Indonesia telah ditawarkan dengan harga Rp 390 juta untuk model Diavel dan Rp 450 juta model Diavel Carbon, Diavel yang mengawali debut dunia pada EICMA 2010 (2-7 November 2010) merupakan model sport Ducati yang akan menantang Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 SuperLow, Diavel dibuat dalam dua pilihan yaitu, model Diavel standar dan Diavel Carbon. Aspek yang membedakan keduanya terdapat pada penggunaan velg sehingga bobot Diavel Carbon lebih ringan 3 kg (207 kg).

Fitur Ducati Diavel 2011:

* Mesin 1.198 cc Testastretta v-twin yang menghasilkan 162 tenaga kuda dan 94 lb-ft torsi
* ABS, Ducati Traction Control dengan tiga mode.
* Transmisi enam percepatan.
* Kursi setinggi 30,3 inci ,28 derajat, dan ban belakang setebal 240mm
* Bobot 207 kilogram

Suzuki GSX 1250 FA

Suzuki GSX 1250 FA mempunyai platform yang sama dengan Suzuki Bandit yang sudah lebih dahulu dilepas ke pasar. Suzuki GSX 1250 FA dibekali mesin berkapasitas 1.255 cc dan remnya menggunakan ABS. Suzuki GSX 1250 FA juga ditawarkan dalam varian ST yang dilengkapi dengan kotak sebagai penyimpang barang dan desain full fairing.

Manajemen mesin yang efektif dan sistem kontrol emisi memungkinkan Suzuki GSX 1250 FA untuk memenuhi peraturan emisi standar terbaru.
Fairing Suzuki GSX 1250 FA telah dirancang untuk melindungi pengendara dari cuaca buruk dan Suzuki juga menawarkan layar lebih tinggi opsional, yang memberikan perlindungan angin bahkan pada kecepatan yang lebih tinggi. Untuk Ringkasnya, motor Suzuki GSX 1250 FA nyaman untuk dikendarai jarak jauh dengan mesin yang fleksibel dan kuat. Dan dengan ABS yang memberikan keamanan.

Harga Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

Harga Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14. Kawasaki kembali meluncurkan produk terbarunya bernama Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14. Produk baru ini dikatakan sebagai motor tercepat dan paling tangguh di kelasnya. Motor hyperbike bermesin 1.325 cc ini baru saja dikeluarkan oleh produsen Jepang dengan Harga Ninja ZX-14 resmi US$ $13,399.00 atau sekitar Rp 126 juta , motor ini siap menyaingi motor tercepat Suzuki Hayabusa.

Situs resmi Kawasaki menyebut, mesin ZX-14 baru itu mampu menyemburkan tenaga hingga 193 PS pada 9,500 rpm dan torsi maksimum 154 Newton meter pada 7.500 rpm, ZX-14 ini juga menggunakan Kawasaki Traction Control (KTRC) system.
Cara kerjanya dengan berdasar masukan kecepatan roda depan maupun belakang, RPM mesin, throttle, hingga akselerasi kecepatan dari kondisi kecepatan tertentu ke tingkat lainnya yang dikirim dari sebuah sensor dan ECU motor.
Di bagian itulah sejumlah instrumen yang memudahkan pengendara mengetahui kondisi motor yang ditungganginya dipasang.

Kawasaki Z1000SX

Kawasaki Z1000SX dengan tampilan yang tampak garang dan futuristik., Pada ban depan Z1000 SX dilengkapi dengan twin 300 mm disc brake dengan 4empat radial-mounted piston caliper, sedangkan pada ban belakang dilengkapi single piston 250 mm disc.

Agar sanggup menahan berat motor yang mencapai 231 kg, pabrikan Jepang itu menggunakan sistem suspensi 41 mm inverted dengan spring preload adjustable di depan serta horizontal back-link gas-charged dengan cam-style spring preload adjustable pada belakang.
Selain itu demi menahan laju putaran ban berukuran 120/70ZR17 dan 190/50ZR17, Kawasaki mempercayakan sistem pengereman pada dual semi-floating petal disc berukuran 300 mm didepan dan 250 mm dibagian belakang.
Belum ada data yang menyebtukan harga dari motor ini, namun diperkirakan Kawasaki Z1000SX akan mulai dipasarkan di Eropa awal tahun depan dengan harga pada kisaran Rp134 juta.

Ready stock honda cbr250R

Ready stock honda cbr250R, Udah ngebet pengen punya motor sport 250cc, Honda CBR250R? Iya sudah ready stock. PT AHM rencananya akan meluncurkan Honda CBR250R awal tahun ini, meski belum ada kepastian kapan akan benar-benar diluncurkan. Jadi, langkah yang ditawarkan Probike boleh dibilang menjadi solusi mereka yang menginginkan Honda CBR250R lebih cepat.

Honda CBR250R mengusung mesin 1 silinder DOHC, Berapa Harga Honda cbr250r Beserta Spesifikasi Honda cbr250r Lengkap? Walau ada beberapa kalangan mengatakan bahwa harga Honda cbr250r bisa dikatakan murah, yakni berkisar sekitar Rp 30 jutaan.Setelah mengetahui harga dan Spesifikasi Honda CBR250R diatas bagaimana tanggapan para pembaca semua? Kedua tipe Honda cbr250r ini sama memakai dimensi yaitu 2,035×0,720×1,125 meter (PxLxT) dan wheelbase 1,370 plus ground clearance 0,145 meter. Adapun berat duduk cbr250r untuk tipe full spec memiliki bobot 165 kg, dan cbr250r tipe standar sedikit lebih ringan sebanyak 4 kg atau menjadi 161 kg berat duduknya.

Yamaha wr 125

Yamaha wr 125, Konstruksi kepala silindernya mirip Yamaha Jupiter MX atau Yamaha Vixion. Tiap rocker arm menggerakan dua katup atau klep. Sistem pendingin sudah pakai radiator bukan mengandalkan sirip di blok silindernya, Kapasitas mesinnya memang hanya 124,7cc, tapi Yamaha mengklaim powernya mencapai 14,7 dk. Bandingkan dengan Kawasaki KLX 150, khusus di Indonesia kapasitas mesinnya memang ditingkatkan hingga 150cc tapi powernya hanya 11,7 dk.Begitu juga dengan tingginya Yamaha WR125R dan WR125X lebih jangkung, Sedang KLX 150 masih pakai lingkar roda 19 inci dan 16 inci.
Begitu juga dengan WR125X supermoto, kedua rodanya pakai roda berdiameter 17 inci. Yamaha WR125R dan WR125X tampil lebih futuristik,lebar body dan stang membantu kestabilan motor. Yamaha menciptakan motor Yamaha WR 125 bagi para crosser pemula, Kemampuan Yamaha WR 125 bagaikan supermotard.

yamaha RHINO 2011

yamaha RHINO 2011, Salah satu kendaraan yang cocok untuk tugas di atas adalah Yamaha Rhino Sport Edition 2011, yang baru saja dikenalkan kepada publik Amerika baru-baru ini.Yamaha Rhino adalah produk Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) yang serbaguna serta berdimensi kecil dan ringan sehingga diklaim lincah serta tangguh melahap segala medan. Tapi ukuran kecilnya itu lah yang memberikannya nilai lebih.
UTV ini memiliki radius putar sebesar 3,8 meter. UTV ini juga menerapkan transmisi penggerak empat roda dan Independent double wishbone; 5-way preload adjustment, 7.3-in travel pada bagian suspensi depan dan belakangnya menjadikan UTV ini kendaraan yang handal digunakan di wilayah berat.

spesifikasi yamaha ss125, baru di india

yamaha ss125, baru di india, Perang antara Honda dan Yamaha juga terjadi di India. Ketika beberapa waktu lalu meluncurkan Honda Unicorn Dazzler, yang sekarang giliran Yamaha SS125 dirilis di India.
Kehadiran trailing keberhasilan SS125 Yamaha FZ16 dan motorsport R15 motor yang sebelumnya telah muncul di Tajmahal.

Spesifikasi motor sport terbaru 2010 Yamaha SS125 :

1. Mesin 125 cc 4-stroke, SOHC, 1 Silinder
2. Displacement Mesin: 123cc
3. Bore & Stroke : 54.0 x 54.0 mm Bore & Stroke 54,0 x 54,0 mm
4. Compression ratio : 10.0:1
5. Tenaga Maksimum : 11 PS/7500 rpm (8 KW@7500rpm)
6. Torsi Maksimum : 10.4 Nm/6,500 rpm
7. Sistem pengkabutan : CDI
8. Suspensi depan / belakang : Garpu teleskopik, Suspensi

BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X 2010, pictures, insurance info

Gambar Motor BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X (2010)
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2010 BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X

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Features and Specifications >

Urban Warrior. Just as a jagged stretch of country road offers one kind of challenge, a crowded city environment offers another. This urban streetfighter comes fully equipped to handle whatever the big city throws your way, with standard wind deflectors, frame pucks, headlamp grille, and the unique X-Guard to protect the airbox cover from your tank bag. Light, nimble, and aggressive, it's powered by a 1203cc Thunderstorm air/oil/fan-cooled, fuel injected, 45-degree V-Twin. Who says a road has to be wide open to be fun? .......Read more >

Motorcycle Insurance Informations
State Farm has offered motorcycle insurance for 40 years

Protection for the Open Road
The open road is always an adventure. You never know what might be around the bend. So make sure you're prepared for whatever the road has in store for you, with a State Farm motorcycle insurance policy.

Motorcycles Covered by State Farm
We will consider any factory-built motorcycle, motorscooter, and other two or three-wheel vehicles including minibikes and trail bikes licensed for use on public roads.

Available Coverage Options
= Bodily injury to someone else or property damage that you accidentally caused while riding your motorcycle. =
= Bodily injury to yourself because of an accident with an uninsured motorist. =
= Damage to your motorcycle caused by an accident. =
= Theft, fire, vandalism, and other losses even while your motorcycle is in storage for the winter. =
= Customization work, such as paint or upgraded components =
= Attached side cars. =

Note: This is only a general description of available coverages and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to policy provisions and applicable endorsements. For further information on motorcycle insurance see a State Farm Agent.

BUELL Models>

2010 BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X specs, features, insurance

Gambar Motor BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X (2010)
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2010 BUELL XB12SX Lightning City X
Specifications and Features
Pictures >

Model Highlights

ZTL-2 Front Brake
Proven through multiple wins in US AMA Pro Racing, the Buell Zero Torsional Load (ZTL-2) front brake utilises a 4-pad, 8-piston caliper and single 375 mm rotor. The caliper casting was optimised for clamp stiffness, yielding a more progressive and connected braking feel to the rider. New for 2010, the flycut ZTL-2 logo adds a trick look to the caliper. The rim-mounted design eliminates the need for load-bearing spokes or even a second disc, resulting in a front-end assembly that is significantly lighter than competitive designs.

6-Spoke Cast Aluminium Wheels
The Buell 6-spoke front wheel is extremely light, reducing steering inertia and unsprung weight for better handling on the track or less-than-perfect streets.
Underslung Exhaust
Exhausts are heavy and hot. It doesn't make sense to hang them up high and off the back of the bike and close to the rider. Our underslung exhaust - a Buell staple since 1985 - concentrates the weight underneath the chassis to provide greater Mass Centralisation. The result is a clean, uncluttered look, improved flickability and superior handling. It also features a large-volume muffler tuned to produce a linear horsepower and torque curve.
Frame and Swingarm
Handling is key to everything we do. That's why our massive frames and swingarms are made of aluminium. Lightweight and extremely rigid, they minimise torsional flex and optimise lateral flex for control in the corners. Incorporating the fuel tank into the frame and the oil reservoir into the swingarm also improves handling. By lowering the placement of the fluids, the centre of gravity shifts downward, which explains why a Buell flicks so effortlessly through corners.

Front Suspension
The fully adjustable 43 mm Showa inverted fork features a high-performance damping cartridge that lets you adjust the setup for any situation. Whether it's at the track or the ride home, you can optimize the suspension for excellent feedback and razor-sharp handling.

Rear Suspension
A top-shelf, Showa push shock with a fully adjustable damping cartridge allows you to fine-tune the compression, rebound and preload to maximise handling and feedback for any condition.

1203cc Thunderstorm Engine
The Thunderstorm 1203 cc, 45-degree V-twin delivers the iconic look, thunderous sound and power-pulsing feel that only a V-twin engine can offer. Following the style of an American Muscle machine, you can tap into maximum torque in any gear, regardless of where the tach needle is pointing. Performance and dependability are enhanced with a large crank pin, a large-capacity oiling system and an electronic timing system and ECM that control a DDFI 3 fuel injection system. Combined, these features improve drivability and performance while reducing maintenance costs.

Buell Intuitive Response Chassis (IRC)
The Lightning handles with surgical precision. And because the chassis is so rigid, it keeps you stable and confident through the turns.

Length2 1985 mm
Seat Height3 765 mm
Overall Width4 831 mm
Ground Clearance2 110 mm
Rake at Steering Head (°) 21
Fork Angle (°) 21
Trail 84 mm
Wheelbase 1320 mm
Fuel Capacity 14.5 l
Oil Capacity5 2.4 l
Dry Weight 179 kg
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 386 kg
Load Capacity 173 kg

Engine Thunderstorm™ air/oil/fan-cooled, 4-stroke, 45° V-Twin
Displacement 1203 cc
Bore 88.9 mm
Stroke 96.8 mm
Engine Torque (EU Standard EC95/1) 104 Nm / 77 ft. lbs.
Engine Torque RPM (EU Standard EC95/1) 5500
Horsepower (EU Standard EC95/1) 93 hp / 94 PS / 69 kW
Horsepower RPM (EU Standard EC95/1) 7000
Compression Ratio 10.0:1
Mileage per US EPA Urban N/A
Mileage per US EPA Highway N/A
Intake Zero-resistance airbox

Primary Drive Type Chain
Primary Drive Ratio 1.500:1 (57/38)
Secondary Drive Type7
Constant path, 14 mm pitch aramid-reinforced Goodyear® Hibrex® belt with Flexten® Plus technology
Secondary Drive Member Pitch Length (# of Teeth or # of Links) 128
Secondary Drive Ratio 2.407:1 (65/27)
Transmission 5-speed, helical gear
1st 2.65
2nd 1.89
3rd 1.41
4th 1.17
5th 1.00
6th N/A

Front Brake ZTL²™ brake
Front Rotor and Caliper Configuration 8-piston, fixed caliper
Front Rotor Size, OD 375 mm, single sided, inside-out, stainless steel, floating disc
Number of Front Brake Rotors 1
Rear Rotor and Caliper Configuration Single piston, floating caliper; stainless steel, fixed disc
Rear Rotor Size, OD 240 mm
Rear Shock Showa coil-over monoshock with remote under-seat reservoir and adjustable compression damping, rebound damping, and spring preload
Front Fork Showa inverted forks with adjustable compression damping, rebound damping, and spring preload
Front Fork Slider Tube Diameter 43 mm
Fork Lock Availability (true or false) True
Suspension Travel: Front 120 mm
Suspension Travel: Rear 129 mm
Lean Angle: Soft Contact, Degrees Left 42°
Lean Angle: Soft Contact, Degrees Right 42°
Lean Angle: Hard Contact, Degrees Left 48°
Lean Angle: Hard Contact, Degrees Right 50°
Frame Black aluminium frame with Uniplanar™ powertrain vibration isolation system, fuel in frame
Swingarm Cast aluminium swingarm with detachable brace. Oil in swingarm.

Wheels and Tyres
Tyre Brand and Model, Front Pirelli Scorpion Sync T
Tyre Brand and Model, Rear Pirelli Scorpion Sync T
Tyre Size Designator, Front 120/70 ZR-17
Tyre Size Designator, Rear 180/55 ZR-17
Wheel Type, Front 6-spoke, ZTL cast aluminium
Wheel Type, Rear 6-spoke, cast aluminium
Wheel Size, Front 17" x 3.5"
Wheel Size, Rear 17" x 5.5"

Battery Sealed Lead Acid, maintenance-free, 12-volt, 12 amp-hour (per Battery Council International rating), 200 cca.
Charging 30-amp, permanent magnet, single-phase alternator with solid-state regulator (405W @3000 rpm, 405W peak)
Starting 1.2 kW electric with solenoid shift starter motor engagement
Headlamps Twin Quartz Halogen [H7] 55-watt low beam, 55-watt high beam
Tail/Stop Lights 5W / 21W
Turn Signal Lights 10W manual canceling
License Plate Light 5W

Instruments Electronic speedometer, tachometer, odometer; dual tripmeter; high beam, neutral, oil, low fuel (plus, odometer shows miles traveled on reserve), turn signal and engine diagnostic indicator lamps; clock

2 Year, unlimited mileage warranty (Europe); 1 Year Buell Assistance roadside assistance (Europe)
Colours Valencia Orange Translucent; Hero Blue Translucent
Frame Phantom Metallic
Wheels Villain Black

Motorcycle Insurance Informations
State Farm has offered motorcycle insurance for 40 years

Protection for the Open Road
The open road is always an adventure. You never know what might be around the bend. So make sure you're prepared for whatever the road has in store for you, with a State Farm motorcycle insurance policy.

Motorcycles Covered by State Farm
We will consider any factory-built motorcycle, motorscooter, and other two or three-wheel vehicles including minibikes and trail bikes licensed for use on public roads.

Available Coverage Options
= Bodily injury to someone else or property damage that you accidentally caused while riding your motorcycle. =
= Bodily injury to yourself because of an accident with an uninsured motorist. =
= Damage to your motorcycle caused by an accident. =
= Theft, fire, vandalism, and other losses even while your motorcycle is in storage for the winter. =
= Customization work, such as paint or upgraded components =
= Attached side cars. =

Note: This is only a general description of available coverages and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to policy provisions and applicable endorsements. For further information on motorcycle insurance see a State Farm Agent.

BUELL Models>

2007 BOSS HOSS BHC9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy pictures | Insurance info.

2007 BOSS HOSS BHC9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy
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BOSS BHC9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy (2007)

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Auto Accident Lawyers Information

The Law Offices of
WILSON, KEHOE and Winingham LLC

Indiana Brain Injury Lawyer Wilson, Kehoe & Winingham Website - Brain Injury, Spinal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Car Accidents

2859 N Meridian St
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Telephone: (317) 920-6400
Email: help@wkw.com

Richmond, Indiana
2901 East Main Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Telephone: (765) 962-9113
Email: help@wkw.com

2007 BOSS HOSS BHC-3 ZZ4 Super Sport pictures | Insurance |

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BOSS BHC-3 ZZ4 Super Sport (2007)

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Auto Accident Lawyers Information

The Law Offices of
WILSON, KEHOE and Winingham LLC

Indiana Brain Injury Lawyer Wilson, Kehoe & Winingham Website - Brain Injury, Spinal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Car Accidents

2859 N Meridian St
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Telephone: (317) 920-6400
Email: help@wkw.com

Richmond, Indiana
2901 East Main Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Telephone: (765) 962-9113
Email: help@wkw.com

2007 BOSS HOSS BHC-3 ZZ4 350 pictures, Accident lawyers info

BOSS HOSS BHC-3 ZZ4 350 (2007)
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Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Iler and Iler LLP

Motorcycle Accidents
San Diego, California Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

If not fatal, a serious motorcycle accident can still result in a head injury, spinal trauma or other catastrophic injuries, such as amputation or paralysis. If you have been seriously injured in a bike crash or a loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, a dedicated and experienced personal injury lawyer can help.

At Iler & Iler, LLP (formerly known as “The Bike Injury Lawyers of San Diego County”), we understand the built-in biases against motorcycle riders. Rest assured we will work hard to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. Contact our San Diego, California, motorcycle accident attorneys today to discuss your potential personal injury or wrongful death claim.

We handle the following types of motorcycle accident claims:

= Hit by car
= Cut off by car
= Hit with open car door
= Right of way violation issues
= Property damage claims

The nature of motorcycle accident cases is that the injuries are typically more severe than car accidents and often result in lifelong disabilities and residual pain. No matter the cause of the accident or the types of vehicles involved, we provide the same attentive service and skilled representation. In addition, we take no fee on property damage claims.

More so than many other personal injury firms, ours takes a very active role in the medical management of cases. We communicate with our clients to ensure that they are receiving the best medical care and treatment/therapy that is reasonable and consistent with their injuries.

People traveling on roads and highways are just not looking for smaller vehicles. As a result, we frequently handle cases in which a negligent driver has pulled out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle. Drivers look right through a motorcycle and it happens more often than you would think.

Please contact Iler & Iler, LLP to discuss your potential motorcycle accident injury case. We offer a FREE initial consultation.


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2006 BOSS HOSS BHC9 ZZ4 Sierra Truck | Accident lawyers info

BOSS HOSS BHC9 ZZ4 Sierra Truck (2006)
Motorcycle wallpapers, general information, review and specifications
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BOSS HOSS BHC9 ZZ4 Sierra Truck (2006)

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Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Iler and Iler LLP

Motorcycle Accidents
San Diego, California Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

If not fatal, a serious motorcycle accident can still result in a head injury, spinal trauma or other catastrophic injuries, such as amputation or paralysis. If you have been seriously injured in a bike crash or a loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, a dedicated and experienced personal injury lawyer can help.

At Iler & Iler, LLP (formerly known as “The Bike Injury Lawyers of San Diego County”), we understand the built-in biases against motorcycle riders. Rest assured we will work hard to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. Contact our San Diego, California, motorcycle accident attorneys today to discuss your potential personal injury or wrongful death claim.

We handle the following types of motorcycle accident claims:

= Hit by car
= Cut off by car
= Hit with open car door
= Right of way violation issues
= Property damage claims

The nature of motorcycle accident cases is that the injuries are typically more severe than car accidents and often result in lifelong disabilities and residual pain. No matter the cause of the accident or the types of vehicles involved, we provide the same attentive service and skilled representation. In addition, we take no fee on property damage claims.

More so than many other personal injury firms, ours takes a very active role in the medical management of cases. We communicate with our clients to ensure that they are receiving the best medical care and treatment/therapy that is reasonable and consistent with their injuries.

People traveling on roads and highways are just not looking for smaller vehicles. As a result, we frequently handle cases in which a negligent driver has pulled out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle. Drivers look right through a motorcycle and it happens more often than you would think.

Please contact Iler & Iler, LLP to discuss your potential motorcycle accident injury case. We offer a FREE initial consultation.


Clock Tower Office Plaza
16516 Bernardo Center Dr. Ste. 300
San Diego, CA 92128

Ph.(858) 592-6212
Ph (800) 479-2453
Fax(858) 592-6213

2006 BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '32 Coupe pictures, accident lawyers

BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '32 Chevy (2006)
Motorcycle wallpapers, general information, review and specifications
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BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '32 Chevy (2006)

Klik gambar untuk download ukuran 1600 x 1200

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Iler and Iler LLP

Motorcycle Accidents
San Diego, California Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

If not fatal, a serious motorcycle accident can still result in a head injury, spinal trauma or other catastrophic injuries, such as amputation or paralysis. If you have been seriously injured in a bike crash or a loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, a dedicated and experienced personal injury lawyer can help.

At Iler & Iler, LLP (formerly known as “The Bike Injury Lawyers of San Diego County”), we understand the built-in biases against motorcycle riders. Rest assured we will work hard to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. Contact our San Diego, California, motorcycle accident attorneys today to discuss your potential personal injury or wrongful death claim.

We handle the following types of motorcycle accident claims:

= Hit by car
= Cut off by car
= Hit with open car door
= Right of way violation issues
= Property damage claims

The nature of motorcycle accident cases is that the injuries are typically more severe than car accidents and often result in lifelong disabilities and residual pain. No matter the cause of the accident or the types of vehicles involved, we provide the same attentive service and skilled representation. In addition, we take no fee on property damage claims.

More so than many other personal injury firms, ours takes a very active role in the medical management of cases. We communicate with our clients to ensure that they are receiving the best medical care and treatment/therapy that is reasonable and consistent with their injuries.

People traveling on roads and highways are just not looking for smaller vehicles. As a result, we frequently handle cases in which a negligent driver has pulled out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle. Drivers look right through a motorcycle and it happens more often than you would think.

Please contact Iler & Iler, LLP to discuss your potential motorcycle accident injury case. We offer a FREE initial consultation.


Clock Tower Office Plaza
16516 Bernardo Center Dr. Ste. 300
San Diego, CA 92128

Ph.(858) 592-6212
Ph (800) 479-2453
Fax(858) 592-6213

2006 BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy pictures, accident lawyers

BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy (2006)
Motorcycle wallpapers, general information, review and specifications
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BOSS HOSS BHC-9 ZZ4 '57 Chevy (2006)

Klik gambar untuk download ukuran 1600 x 1200

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Iler and Iler LLP

Motorcycle Accidents
San Diego, California Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

If not fatal, a serious motorcycle accident can still result in a head injury, spinal trauma or other catastrophic injuries, such as amputation or paralysis. If you have been seriously injured in a bike crash or a loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, a dedicated and experienced personal injury lawyer can help.

At Iler & Iler, LLP (formerly known as “The Bike Injury Lawyers of San Diego County”), we understand the built-in biases against motorcycle riders. Rest assured we will work hard to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. Contact our San Diego, California, motorcycle accident attorneys today to discuss your potential personal injury or wrongful death claim.

We handle the following types of motorcycle accident claims:

= Hit by car
= Cut off by car
= Hit with open car door
= Right of way violation issues
= Property damage claims

The nature of motorcycle accident cases is that the injuries are typically more severe than car accidents and often result in lifelong disabilities and residual pain. No matter the cause of the accident or the types of vehicles involved, we provide the same attentive service and skilled representation. In addition, we take no fee on property damage claims.

More so than many other personal injury firms, ours takes a very active role in the medical management of cases. We communicate with our clients to ensure that they are receiving the best medical care and treatment/therapy that is reasonable and consistent with their injuries.

People traveling on roads and highways are just not looking for smaller vehicles. As a result, we frequently handle cases in which a negligent driver has pulled out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle. Drivers look right through a motorcycle and it happens more often than you would think.

Please contact Iler & Iler, LLP to discuss your potential motorcycle accident injury case. We offer a FREE initial consultation.


Clock Tower Office Plaza
16516 Bernardo Center Dr. Ste. 300
San Diego, CA 92128

Ph.(858) 592-6212
Ph (800) 479-2453
Fax(858) 592-6213

inilah motor terbaik eropa, Honda VFR1200F

inilah motor terbaik eropa, Honda VFR1200F, sepedamotor touring, yang di luncurkan tahun lalu, mendapatkan prestasi terbaik dan di nobatkan sebagai sepeda motor terbaik di eropa menurut (MCN), kabar ini berikut gambar, dari :kompas otomotif.com

2010 BMW F800R pictures | motorcycle accident lawyers info |

Gambar Motor BMW F800R (2010)
- The F800R has a slightly longer double-sided swing arm and, in keeping with its sporting orientation, incorporates an O-ring chain secondary drive. Other highlights are new compact MID (Moulded Interconnected Devices) technology, featuring a left-handlebar multifunction signal switch and asymmetrical H7 headlights that echo the design of its K1300R Power Roadster sibling. -

BMW F800R (2010)

Click Thumbnail to download (size 1600 x 1200 pixels)

Specifications and Features >

Unstoppable Adrenaline.
Make the city your urban playground with the new F800R. Its low dry weight offers superior agility and breathtaking handling, combined with the highest torque output in its class. The F800R is the bike of choice for triple Stunt Riding World Champion Chris Pfeiffer. This bike will take the ultimate thrill-seeker on the ride of a lifetime.

The much anticipated F800R Sport Roadster joined the F800 Series lineup this fall, debuting as a 2010 model in September with an MSRP of $9,990.

The heart of the new F800R is the now familiar 798cc parallel twin shared within the F800 family, rated at 87 bhp @ 8,000 rpm while delivering 86 Nm of torque @ 6,000 rpm. The

additional two horsepower, when compared to the other F800 family members, is due to a redesigned exhaust system. The robust powerplant also features intake manifold fuel injection, electronic engine management, oxygen sensor and separate closed-loop 3-way catalytic convertor and secondary air system, for low fuel consumption and optimized emissions.

The F800R has a slightly longer double-sided swing arm and, in keeping with its sporting orientation, incorporates an O-ring chain secondary drive. Other highlights are new compact MID (Moulded Interconnected Devices) technology, featuring a left-handlebar multifunction signal switch and asymmetrical H7 headlights that echo the design of its K1300R Power Roadster sibling.

The new F 800 R is radically different, and yet every inch a BMW. The state-of-the-art parallel twin engine with electronic fuel injection develops 87hp from its 798cc, not to mention a mighty 86Nm of torque. And with the Akrapovic sport silencer retrofitted, its sound is every bit as impressive as its performance. ­

The 320-millimetre Brembo double disk brake at the front ensures maximum stopping power, while optional BMW Motorrad ABS and TPC Tyre Pressure Control further enhance safety.

The bike is also highly manoeuvrable, thanks in part to the lightweight aluminium in its rigid frame and dynamically styled double swing-arm, which helps keep its dry weight down to just 177 kilograms. Handling is incredibly precise, thanks to the excellence of the suspension set-up, and a fuel tank located under the seat for a lower centre of gravity.

A wealth of design options, including LED indicators, painted components and radiator trims, give it an even sportier look. Streetbike freestyle World Champion Chris Pfeiffer says of his new BMW F 800 R; 'The outstanding qualities of this machine mean I can really take it to the limit, and help me to come up with new, even more extreme tricks!' ....... Read more >

Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Call or contact: 888 446 1999.

Need a Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer and looking for an ethical, experienced and aggressive lawyer to figure out if you may be entitled to money compensation for your serious injury?

In Florida, motorcycle accidents happen mostly because automobile drivers do not share the road. I frequently represent seriously injured motorcycle riders because a car fails to see the motorcycle and then the car pulls out into the intersection. Another common reason is that the car driver changes lanes without looking. The most frequent injuries are fractures of shoulder or wrists from going over the handlebars, or femur (long bone of the leg) fractures from laying the bike down or a side impact. Unfortunately, even at slower speeds and with a helmet, I have represented the family of fathers and sons who have died in motorcycle crashes.

As a Florida Motorcycle accident lawyer, I understand that you may want to express you individuality and freedom on the road by making the decision as an adult not to wear a helmet. The insurance company in a brain injury case will argue that you are the cause of your own injury being worse because if you were wearing a helmet the injury would not have been so bad.

I retain experts in biomechanics, who are engineers and if the evidence is available and in your favor, they can calculate the force of the impact and tell the insurance company that they are wrong. That wearing a helmet would not have made a difference. A helmet sometimes can actually make the injury worse. I am not advocating that you should not wear a helmet , it's just that wearing one does not always make a difference. It depends on the accident circumstances. Each Florida Motorcycle Accident claim will get my personal attention to detail and my 30 years of experience.

If you would like to consult for free with a Florida civil trial lawyer who is board certified as an expert in civil trial then please call 888-446-1999

There will be no charge for lawyer fees of representation or costs of representation if there is not money compensation recovery.

U.S. Car Insurance Companies >

- BMW Motorcycle Pictures, Review and Specifications -